In December Caritas Tajikistan successfully completed one more social work with returnee.
After few years of wanderings around Europe, Latif, a migrant from Tajikistan, returned back, home. When in Europe, he was supporting his family by sending them some money, when and if he earned enough. He has 6 dependants in his family.
Although Latif is a skillful and experienced worker, finding stable job for him in the homeland was a challenging for him. He has general construction skills like carpentry, fitting, welding, plastering and others to build/repair houses and apartment. Therefore he decided to look for better job opportunities abroad and left the country. This way he spent about 2 years abroad. For these years being abroad he learned that without language and proper education he cannot sustain and decided to return home.
Fortunately, for Latif, he met with Micado Migration representative in Germany. Micado Migration granted him a chance to restart his life and join his family. So, he returned home and social work with him continued by Caritas Tajikistan as a partner of Micado in the country of destination. Social work with him in homeland consisted of working on his business concept and develop feasible business plan for funding. Caritas closely worked with him on this part of work. His business idea inseparably connected with his skills that practiced and polished whole life. Thus, he decided to put his skills on business rail throughout this opportunity provided by Micado.
Recently, Latif’s business plan was approved and he got funds for developing his business. He was very happy when he finally obtained all tools he ever dreamed for establishing his own business as a construction entrepreneur. Relaying on his skills and tools, obtained through the grant, Latif is confident of his increased chances to find engagement in motherland.