In the April (‘22) issue of our newsletter, we reported about challenges of water access in the frame of our emergency project in Jomi. Drilling a water well with a depth of 164 meters finally resulted in a very few water giving capacity of the well and this was associated with global climate change. That emphasized the necessity of actions from humanity to prevent or suspend global warming and promote our confederation’s global campaign “Together WE”.
Here, we report that the project brought a fresh solution to the water access problem in the target community. The project constructed a water system based on the purification of available water sources, water from an irrigation channel. The system consists of a pumping unit pushing water to the height of 50 meters and a distance of 600 meters with a filter unit and disinfection unit (chlorine application) and a tank for 50MT of clean water. In fact, this, at least for this district, is a unique practice that was applied only due to a lack of other options (sources) and can be replicated for other communities with the same conditions in the conditions of changing global climate.

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