Since 2016 Caritas Tajikistan (CT) is supporting a network of local public associations uniting people with disabilities in Khatlon province. The project aims to empower this group by promoting income generation throughRead More…
CI “Together WE” campaign, the climate change and local challenges
Caritas Tajikistan (CT) is currently working on an emergency project that aims to help the suffered population from a landslide in Jomi district to construct new houses in the new location. TheRead More…
International Health day celebration aligning Integral Health
In the frame of its WASH project, CT has organized an action week on the occasion of International Health day. The action week was organized in coordination and participation of the districtRead More…
Supporting migrants returning back home
Caritas Tajikistan is continuing its work with migrants. As part of this program work, there is a social-reintegration activity with returnees coming back from EU countries within ERRIN network in partnership withRead More…
Caritas Tajikistan is helping communities to rebuild after disasters
CT is currently working on an emergency project that aims to help the suffered population from a landslide in Jomi district to construct new houses in the new location. The disaster swipedRead More…
Supporting a kindergarten in a women’s colony
The Penitentiary system (PS) in Tajikistan has a colony for imprisoned women. Within the colony, there is a kindergarten that accommodates women with their infants of up to 3 years old, forRead More…
One more CSO advocating for disabled people finds support
It is the third year that Caritas Tajikistan (CT) works through several disabled associations in Khatlon region to provide access to zero-interest micro-credits for disabled people. The aim of the activity isRead More…
A new emergency response project
Intensive heavy rains in south regions of Tajikistan this spring season become a cause of massive mudflows, landslides and floods causing fatalities and damage to roads, bridges, homes and livestock. As resultsRead More…
Vaccination policy of Caritas Tajikistan
Tajikistan is currently facing a new onset of the COVID-19 epidemic. The country received about seven hundred thousand doses of vaccines in the frame of WHO COVAX Vaccine Distribution program. In thisRead More…
Resuming work on TB in the prison sector
Caritas Tajikistan resumes its health program on fighting tuberculosis (TB) in the penitentiary system (PS) of the country. While such interventions in past were supported by Caritas Luxembourg, the new project whichRead More…